MnGCA Board Updates
A new Pathtag is here! The next Pathtag of Minnesota Icons will be available for the first time at MN Favs: Blueberry Muffins & Milk with the MnGCA on August 15th!
2024 Coins are here! Buy yours today!
A committee is working on creating a Mega Event in Minnesota for 2025. Please contact Scott Geary (GCo) at, or the MNGCA board at if you are interested in helping plan this.
After feedback from the Winter Card Exchange, we are working on setting up another exchange for this Summer.
We are always looking for ideas, topics, and suggestions for what you would like to see in future newsletters so please reach out to a MnGCA Board member if you have anything to add!
The 2024 design is still available as Pathtags and apparel. Coins are in production and will be for sale this summer.
In 2024 we brought back the Breakfast Buddies and Birthday Tuesday events. If you would like to share a great breakfast spot and co-host a Breakfast Buddies event, please reach out to a MnGCA Board Member.
Early this year, we hosted a town hall to gain feedback from members of the community. We are planning another town hall event in the fall and provide detailed updates on what was discussed at the first event.